February 29, 2012

Beef Rendang

Rendang always reminds me of home. Of my mom. She makes terrific rendang, you named it; beef rendang, duck rendang, cockle rendang with snake beans, chicken rendang with maman/pegaga (some kind of kampung herbs).. I just love all of her rendangs. My husband claims her mom's rendang is the best. I'm not going to argue about it. We all grew up with mom's cooking. :P (my mom's is still the best.. :P -Let's just pretend I never said that)
Whenever I asked my mom for a recipe, she would go on and on, telling me the list of ingredients needed without the exact measurement and way of doing it. She has everything inside her head and she just threw everything inside her stew pot. Campak-campak. I know how to cook her version of rendang. Mine-the taste is somehow different. Her way of doing it probably just the same as your mom's or like the rest of rendang recipes available on Google. The only different would be her air tangan a.k.a a magic touch. Sob. I miss her.
Frankly, I never cook rendang before I was married. I just helped my mom making them (and eat'em of course) during Eid festival. That's all I did until last year. Last year marked the first year we had to prepare everything on our own. From A to Z. Thank God for Google (TGFG). 

There are plenty of rendang variations out there. You just have to choose them wisely. Cik Mat Gebu has quite a number of rendang recipes and mine here is based on his Nyonya Rendang-slight variation on the spices. Tastewise, finger licking good! I love his rendang recipes. My taste buds kindda agree with it, it's idiot proof and it almost has the same taste as my mom's. Almost. Sob.
Someday, when he grows up, Adam will say that his mom's rendang is the best in the world. Hopefully. Err..on second thought, I don't want that to happen so quickly :p Please don't grow up so fast my little one...


  1. Nampak sedap! beautiful photos! moms punya memang lah the best.. kalau boleh hari hari nak mak masak kan huhu

  2. Muna Mahdzar-FadaaqMarch 1, 2012 at 12:42 AM

    great photos, as usual!!
    Are those tudung periok or pinggan?? Banyaknya..... :)

  3. Hi dear, i guess it's the mom's touch that will never be the same with any other. For me, rendang or any curry sounds too complicated about 4 years ago, until i had to make one further step and start making it myself. I hardly remembered which was cardamom, which was star anise and so on. And like you, TGFG :D

    And yes dear, I love your pics :)

  4. RC
    When I read 'cockle rendang with snake..', I thot your mum cooks snake rendang.. huhu.. ya ampun, pardon mata orang tua, k?
    Are those your tutup periuk? My oh my, banyaknya periuk you? (soklan kepo).

  5. I love kak RC's rendang..by the look of it. Because it's not too dry, and looks yummy :)

  6. Most of CMG recipe sedap! yup, I prefer my rendang ada gravy, so makan x tercekik hehe 

  7. Haha.. kak com ni ade2 je :P Yup, those are tudung periuk.. guna je ape2 jadik prop gambar :P tu my MIL punya.. I muda lagi, tak byk periuk lagi hehe 

  8. Thanks Ijan.. Google is really the light at the end of the tunnel kan? 

    BTW, I'm still confused about those jintans he he 

  9. thanks K Muna! Ada lagi tudung periuk lam cabinet..tu baru separuh he he 

  10. K Rima, betul2.. tp umah your mom dekat..kejap je dah boleh pegi and eat you mom's cooking.. tak aciiii!! :P 

  11. I made a very big mistake of reading this post very late last night. All night long, I dreamt of rendang. Thankfully, the makcik nasi lemak made rendang today... adoi!!!

  12. Muna Mahdzar-FadaaqMarch 1, 2012 at 6:33 PM

    hopefully takda tudung periok terbang melayang-layang... jenuh cikAbang nak tepis... banyak sangat!!!

  13. Ha ha I love nasi lemak rendang!! 

  14. I'd sub with mutton. Awesome clicks dear...

  15. hye.. first time lawat blog nie..  sedap nye rendang.. suke rendang yang basah-basah sikit daripada kering.. huhu

  16. awwhh! Never failed to make me go awhh with your photos. Awesome photography sis! :) 

  17. Look at all your tudung periuk semua!!! I was laughing at myself sebab if I were to do that I would have to find one fine day to scrub all of them before casting them in a photo shoot like you did. Cute sangat RC, great idea. 

  18. Kak Wiz, 

    Kalau unscrub lagi cantik.. kasik rustic feeling gitu he he as I mentioned earlier, those tutup periuks are my MIL nyer..so kena lah scrub and jaga elok2.. hihi 

  19. Thanks for singgah Nurul.. I pun suka yg basah2 hehe 

  20. Thanks Aracy..I suka your blog..keep the entry coming will you?
