March 28, 2012

Eggless Chocolate Cake with Strawberry+Cream Filling

Believe it or not, this is an egg-less cake. No egg, no butter yet the cake is still so moist and delicious. :) The recipe is adapted from Passionate About Baking. TQ Deeba for sharing this lovely recipe!
Oh please excuse the messy look. I didn't trim the cake edges...why waste it?  Home made are supposed to look like that :P
Bought two quarts of strawberry and I used all of it for the filling. Love the strawberry compote to bits! {no pic..sorry}
To date, I believed this is the most delicious chocolate layer cake I've ever made. The strawberry filling really took this cake to the whole new level. 
 We didn't eat cake a lot, but we loved this cake so much and had two or three slices at one go. Even Adam had it twice (Read: He's not into chocolate).
 I had great time making this cake. And there's still half of it in the fridge ;)