May 31, 2011

Tuesday- When life give you make?

What dish would you make out of these crabs? 
Not the right size and type for the famous chili crab recipe I've in hands. 
Gulai lemak cili padi? Naah.. I'm sick of anything to do with coconut milk. 
Dry masala/curry sounds nice, but there's no more curry leaves left in my freezer. 
{yes, I freeze them}
Crab cake? Again, not the right size and type of crab. 

That's all I can think off. {and write}


  1. RC,

    I love crab! tapikan cuma i sorang je syok sendiri. others tak suka crab. so, kat rumah i ni, masak crab cuma setahun sekali kot.

    the truth is, i'm feeling really crabby today. sakit kepala, sakit hati dgn kawan yg so selfish. *sigh*..

    anyway, u can try cooking crab mcm ni

    but i lupa nak tempek recipe. it's just like sweet and sour crab, cuma nanti letak telur 2 bijik. it's really yummy.

  2. rumah i ada pokok kari yg sgt rimbun...hihi nanti i pos kat u :D

  3. RC
    I nak tau jugak you masak apa, nak jugak.. naaak..

  4. Babe,

    Yes...those crabs are way too small for chilli-crab dish! Kalo nak masak masala, it's alright tak letak daun kari. But apa-apa pun, dah siap sila tayang kat sini ek!

  5. Do crab masak kari kering kering.. my mom suka masak like that.. kat rumah tak masak crab cos tak siapa suka.. if i teringin i will masak tu pun my hb will ask me to kopek kan kulit.. so better i tak yah masak haha

  6. I never cooked crab...hehe! I don't eat them, but my son n hubby love it! Still I don't cook, coz I don't dare touching 'em! ;)

  7. Tell me what lauk these crabs end up with aite? kita tak kisahhhh...besar kecik tua ke muda ker crab kita balun letak cili & telur!!

  8. saya mesti terpegun bila nengok gambar-gambar di sini..

    * kelip-kelip mata*

  9. ketam hubs suka masak cili crab , mcm kat kukup tu!

  10. Sizuka,

    just ignore je those selfish crap.. he he takyah pening2 ng org gitu..not worthy..

    Thanks for the suggestion btw.. I dah bookmarked the url :)

  11. Zarin,

    ha ha thanks sbb nak tlg kirim he he slalu ade je stok daun kari lam freezer, tp hari tu buang sbb dah beku sgt dah hehe newspaper yg balut daun kari tu terkoyak, trus beku daun kari hehe

  12. CS,

    Please wait for my next entry..jeng jeng jeng... ;p

  13. Kak Lili,

    Oh.. tak kick lah nanti hahaha.. ;p Tapi mmg boleh pun tak pki daun kari.. ;)

  14. K Rima,

    Mmg kat umah ni pun, takde sape yg makan ketam..seme malas nak kopek2 kulit.. I yg teringin nak makan, tp blank plak nak masak ape.. selera kureng sket nowadays..

    dry curry mmg sedap pun.. next time, I nak buat gitu..share la ur mom recipe hehe eh, tp ur blog seme pasal baking..I je yg rojak ;p

  15. Love,

    So u have to buy the crabmeats only, then turn it to crab cake..Sure ur family suka he he but the problem with crabmeats is, u have to consume it right away..taleh tunggu2 letak dalam freezer..leceh2x..

  16. Kak Yat,

    ala2 chili crab lah eh.. lauk ketam ni sedap sbb kuah dia je.. so ketam mmg besh kalau masak berkuah.. kalau masak takde kuah, agak kureng sket.. ;p

  17. Dr. Singa,

    He he.. kalau kita lalu blog dia pun sama..sure kelip2 mata gak ;p Tima kasih for the compliment :P

  18. sedappp sgt2 klu masak cili pedas @ masak lemak, huhu lama xmakan ketam, i perasaan sowang2 nak mkn ketam, dlm umah ni semu xsuka ketam..iskk
