May 6, 2012

Seri Muka a.k.a Putri Salat

I'm always on a lookout for good Seri Muka's recipe. This one probably the closest to perfect Seri Muka I've ever produced. My previous attempts in making one have always turned bad. Who else to blame except myself as steaming is really not my cup of tea. 

If you have troubles in making seri Muka (like myself), how about give yourself another chance with this recipe. The recipe came to me from Pick Yin of Life is Great. Unlike Pick Yin, I'd to substitute the pandan extract with pandan paste because I was out of pandan leaves. Besides, I was too eager to try it and I can't wait for tomorrow. 

Anyway, Adam is a true fan of this kuih. Husband, on the other hand, commented on how thin the bottom layer is he he. I ate one piece and I am pleased with the taste. However, what I am most content with, is the feeling of success. Finally...after many failed attempts, I can ticked this kuih off my list. Phew~