September 14, 2011

Raya Cookies: White & Dark Chocolate Chips Cookies

Raya and Cookies? Who started all this cookies trend eh


Last year, I baked around 8 types of cookies, and none of  the jars were successfully emptied. I vowed to bake less this year (down to 5 types), and the same O is about to happen again. I should have learnt my lesson kan.. Okay..may be it's to early for me to pen down my worries, right here, right now. Let's wait until Raya Haji..  =P 


Do you know that every homemade cookies have their own expiry date?  I googled on cookies storage tips, and found Baking 911: A Complete Storage Guide. Read it! I probably have to throw away my meringues. They are about to go bad. Note to self..bake more choc and chips cookies and biscotti. They last like forever... =P


Most of my cookies recipes were taken from the library book and Bisous A  Toi. I forgot to snap the recipes (from the book) before I returned it. Isk. More cookies entries coming soon.. 


  1. Haha kita pun xbuat bnyk kuih..sbb org dtg beraya still kena masak juga..last2 xmakan kuuh rayanya..hmm

  2. ha.. betul3.. tunggu raya haji je.. then only you do what youve got todo. i've learnt my lesson years ago (even tho its kue tunjuk2 at that time).. i brought back to kampung & bagi kat makcik2 sorang sebalang. whats left at home is just nice for open house/ open office.
    btw, thanks for the link. nak baca jap :)

  3. kak RC.. biasa laa tuu.. hihi... skrg tun cuma buat biskut yg betul2 family tun suka mkn je (sbb org kt umah yg mkn lebih nyer.. bdk2 yg beraya cuma nk duit raya, n kalau org2 dewasa dtg, mkn mkanan berat).. pastu wat 1 adunan je utk sejenis biskut =)

  4. saya agak orang dulu² buat biskut masa raya sebab lagi tahan lama dari kuih² (agak dia orang belum ada fridge time tu?)

  5. RC,
    tak mampu nak komen lelebih. maklumlah x buat biskut sendiri. huhu.. anyway, ur choc chips looks stunning.. err, balang yg x empty tu tolong pas sini skit ehh.. MM hantu biskut raya :)

  6. kindly enlighten me why is this blog post linked on where there is no apparent recipe?
