July 24, 2012

Bubur Pulut Hitam a.k.a Black Glutinous Rice Dessert

Ramadhan is here, and my energy for cooking and baking has finally been renewed. he he Hopefully, I'll get to rejuvenate in other aspects too, physically and spiritually.. Amin.
Our first day of fasting was a bliss. I felt calmer and miraculously energetic than before. Or, at least for the past 2 days. We still have 26 days to go! :P We tapau some food from Geylang Bazaar that day. Nothing new, just the same old food.
I just realized that I haven't told you about our new home yet.. We've been waiting for nearly three years, and the key is finally around the corner now. And with that, our normal weekend routine has been shifted to ID appointments, home tours and suppliers warehouse visit routines. We are in the mid of ID selection process, in fact, we already 'chose' one particular ID that we think suit our need, and by that, I mean workmanship and budget. We haven't signed on anything yet though. Still waiting for our keys.. theeee...I can't wait for that moment to happen-getting keys and start with the renovation works. We already have some idea on how to bejewel our little home to make it looks nice and cozy. To us, at least. 
Okay let's talk food. I think this was the first Black Glutinous Rice dessert I've made in SG. It was second to the last same dessert I've made in KL, before I moved to SG for good. To me, Bubur Pulut Hitam, or Black Glutinous Rice dessert is notably synonym with Ramadhan. The same goes with the rest of the bubur clan; mung bean dessert, bubur chacha (sweet potato dessert, red bean dessert, just to name a few. Not sure why though. 
As for the taste, it was good, no wait, it was incredibly good! and I have plans to make it again soon. He He 

The main dish for the second Iftar is Tandoori Kebabs- recipe will be upload in my next entry. I paired the kebabs with butter rice and leftover parpu from sahur. I know..I know..parpu and kebabs are not match made in heaven but why let good food go to waste. One of my goals for this month is not to waste food. That is after I read too many Ramadhan flyers that keep reminding me of those poor and hungry Somali kids. :'(
Can you imagine fasting without sahur and Iftar for days/weeks...isk isk My prayers will always be with them. 

source: Saiful Apek Statigram
Note: Strolling the food isle in Pasar Ramadhan is less torturing if you keep those Somali people faces in mind. It's okay to buy, but please don't waste.

Bubur Pulut Hitam or Black Glutinous Rice dessert 
Loosely adapted from A Table For Two. TQ!
Serving 4-6


  1. one cup of black glutinous rice
  2. 1/2 cup of Palm Sugar (Gula Melaka)-I used brown sugar.
  3. 10 tablespoon of white sugar
  4. 1 can of Coconut Cream-I used coconut milk and cooked them with a little of sugar and salt
  5. 1 cup water or more
  6. Screwpine leaves- I added

  1. Roast the black glutinous rice in a frying pan on high heat. By doing this, it will release the nutty aroma of the rice. When the rice is dancing in the pan, it is ready.
  2. Put the roasted rice into a pot, wash and rinse thoroughly.
  3. Fill half the pot with water, cook over high heat.
  4. Once the water is boiling, turn the heat down to medium and keep stirring every 15 mins or so to prevent the rice sticking to the bottom and burned. During cooking, the water will be reduced and getting thicker, add more water when it becomes too dry and continue cooking.(tips below)
  5. Cook until the rice is soft and mushy. (usually takes around 2 or 3 hrs at least)-I used cast iron pot and it took me about 1 hr +/- to finish cooking. 
  6. Add palm sugar, stir until dissolved.-I used brown sugar..
  7. Add white sugar to taste, stir until dissolved.
  8. Once ready, remove from heat.
  9. Pour the porridge into a small bowl, add a few spoonful of coconut cream on top.- I added the cooked coconut milk on top. 
  10. Ready to serve hot, enjoy!-Let it cold in room temp, store it in fridge after that. I enjoy it cold.. :)
Pssst..I know I've said something about uploading Adam Birthday cakes photos today. But I'm sorry to tell you that it's not going to happen. Most of the photo was not with us, if you get what I mean. Bad angles and under-exposed. Isk. I can't even fix it with editing :P I guess we'll have to bare with that not-so-good-but-not-so-bad-either instagram photo here.