July 10, 2020

Paris: Muséum national dhistoire naturelle

November 2013.

This was taken six autumns ago. We were on our way to Museum National D'histoire Naturelle from Paris Mosque, where we just had our mint tea and exquisite Turkish delights. It has been a sort of our family tradition to visit a natural history museum whenever we were travelling. Adam loves anything related to pre-historic stuff, and I don't have any objection to that because I loved geeky stuffs too.

We slowly made our way through Jardin des Plantes, admiring the various, lovely hues of pink, peach to red and brown. My mom was all smiling. The garden has not lost its charm during our visit, even though fall season was fading away. They were all looked ready for their long winter nap anytime soon. 

Anyway, I wore my first pair of boot for this trip, with a green parka army jacket that I've been wanting to get to so badly. Finally found it in Stuttgart, in my size, a week before coming here. I was pleased with both items, the jacket at least. The wide feet boot finally shown its defiant side after miles of walking. I bought it online from Anthropology. It's still in the store in case I get to roam around in foreign land someday. 

I wrote the above in 2015, three years after our trip with my mom to Paris. I don't want to wait for the perfect caption, I just want to post this so I could remember this moment exactly as it is. 

Would give anything to be able to travel again. Especially with my parents and family. Soon, after all this Covid-19 is over. Amin.