For me, Prosperity Burger is the most anticipated burger ever invented by McDonald. Being one of the time-limited, regionalized item on menu, the burger is only available throughout Chinese New Year season. I don't think the burger'll survive if they were put as a regular on menu.
I've never heard of anyone saying no to this burger. The tastiness of the oblong juicy beef patties, slathered with hot black pepper sauce and onion slices in between those soft sesame bun. My oh my, yummy. During my uni years, I used to be one of the earliest to grab the burger on its very first day of seasonal arrival. Those were the days- big appetite, big pocket, and one big me.
Well, not anymore. This year, I only had one Prosperity burger so far T_T Even though McDonald is just a block or even better, a click away, I still don't know what's taken me so long to order one. Ntah. Then, the idea of making them myself hit me. Why not?
The burger itself consist of four parts; the bun, beef patties, shredded onions and the most important part- the black pepper sauce. I decided to used Kokken69's bun recipe and I made them a day ahead. It didn't beat McD's sesame bun, obviously, but mine were pretty good :P Shirley's bun recipe yields soft and fluffy bun, but the taste is kinda sweet for a burger bun.(I had no choice. So far, her recipe is the only recipe that works best for me)
As for the beef patties, I decided to used my own recipe, which is not that good. I should have used Ramsay's, as Kak Paty did, here. Her patty looks great. Anyway, the sauce saved those poor patties. The recipe is from Kak Ayu of Curlybabe's Satistisfaction. :D (TQ kak Ayu..boleh bukak branch nih :P)
At the end of the day, two Prosperity Burgers served on the table. I made one gigantic Prosperity Burger for Husband and a Double Prosperity Burger for myself. Burrrrrrrp.