December 22, 2011

East meets West Macarons Tower/Sireh Junjung for my sister engagement

My sister got engaged last weekend! Yippee!! :D 

I made this macarons tower as her Sireh Junjung. For those who don't know, Sireh Junjung is a must have gift in every hantaran gifts in Malay wedding/engagement. The traditional Sireh Junjung usually consists of sireh leaves and flowers, aesthetically arranged in a decorated tray. So instead of the same o same o sireh junjung, I decided to fusion it with macarons tower. My dad loves the fusion idea and called it East meets West Sireh Junjung :)

The macarons tower consists of two parts. The bottom part was pinned with Sireh leaves, I folded it to make it looked like a pineapple skin (sort of). The upper part was the macarons part and I arranged arrays of mini roses of beige and pink in colors in between two parts.Oh how I wish I have detailed pictures of this tower to show you.

I think the macarons arrangement on the tower was a bit loose. Time wasn't on my side. Sigh. I was so busy in the kitchen, I didn't have extra time to fix the mac tower...and the saddest part is... I didn't get to snap any photos from my camera. tsk tsk. double sigh.

These photo were taken by my soon to be my bro-inlaw, Azfar. Thank you, STBMBIL. he he 
My sister, Dya and her fiancé, Azfar.
 Hantaran gifts from our side. My sister did her hantaran gifts all by herself. The macarons tower was my gift to her. 
 Hantarans gifts from both sides.
 Salam mitak restu dari my mom. 
My parents and my sis. 
 Isn't she lovely?
 Both families. 
 The engagement dais. More like a wedding dais if you asked me. hihi My sister did this by herself. 
My sister, Dya. She's taken guys. ;p 
Congratulations Dayah & Azfar!!