Phew..glad to see my dashboard again..while Blogger was on the freeze thingy yesterday, I don't know about you guys, but I felt like I was cut off from the outside world..and that just make me realized just how obsessed I am with blogging world. Even though I seldom put up a post or drop a comment on your blog, but I checked the headlines from time to time just to catch up with the your update..hi hi
Okay, another recipe from Ramsay's World Kitchen. :D I baked, instead of frying them, which made the outer part less crunchy.. hmm.. tastewise, biasa-biasa je.. ;p My favorite part of this recipe was the tomato sauce. It has a good balance of sweet and sour taste. It yummy-ed {?} the meatball more, and I think I'm gonna stick to this tomato sauce recipe. So yes to the tomato sauce and boohoo to the meatball recipe. He he..
Does anyone else have a good meatball recipes? care to share...?